Robots vs. Cobots in Education

Educational Lineup featuring the FANUC CRX

FANUC America, along with APT Manufacturing Solutions, has developed an entire line of educational solutions available with both traditional robots and cobots.

Industry today has a large need for cobots, this means in education we must be training with cobots, along with traditional robots.

What is the Difference Between a Robot and a Cobot?

The main difference between a robot and a cobot is their level of autonomy and ability to interact with humans. Robots are designed to work autonomously, while cobots are designed to work alongside humans in a collaborative manner.

Robots are typically used in environments where there is no need for human interaction, such as in fully automated factories or warehouses. Cobots, on the other hand, are designed to work alongside humans in environments where there is a need for cooperation and collaboration.

Another key difference between robots and cobots is their level of complexity. Robots are often large and complex machines that require specialized training to operate and program. Cobots are designed to be user-friendly and easy to program, making them accessible to a wider range of users.

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