We understand that one of the most important pieces to ensure success is to make sure you are comfortable using your products and equipment.
This is why we offer product training classes for our products. In these classes, you can expect hands-on training, while technical experts walk you through daily operations, programming, troubleshooting, preventative maintenance, and much more. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and gain insight into the purpose and functionality of the equipment, and feel at-ease when you are using the equipment at your facility.
This course covers the tasks and procedures an operator, technician, or end user would need to start up, operate, and program the MOD-WELD MAC series Cobot weld cell for general usage. This training does not supersede any end user mandated safety standards. The course consists of lectures, reviews, demonstrations, and lab exercises designed to reinforce what has been learned. This course is not intended to cover advanced programming processes, procedures, or capabilities.