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View Educational Catalog

All products listed were developed in partnership with the FANUC America Education Group and are sold exclusively through the FANUC Education Reseller Network. They carry the industry training curriculum of key manufacturers like FANUC America, Rockwell Automation, and Miller Welding.

Select the Correct Equipment for Your Program

Learning LevelCareer PathDescriptionCert. Type






Weld CERT Cart




iIM5.0 Mechatronics

1FANUC Robot Operator - Material HandlingFANUC Robotics CourseFANUC: HandlingTool Operation and Programming1certcartmtecsimmtec icc*amcertcsmmechatronics
1FANUC Robot Operator - Material HandlingFANUC Robotics CourseFANUC: HandlingPRO1certcartmtecsimmtec icc*amcertcsmmechatronics
1FANUC Robot Operator - Material HandlingIndustry Recognized Certification FANUC Certification administered by NOCTI: FCR-01 - Written2certcartmtecsimmtecweldcert amcertcsmmechatronics
1FANUC Robot Operator - Material HandlingIndustry Recognized Certification FANUC Certification administered by NOCTI: FCR-02 - Performance2certcartmtecsimmtecweldcert amcertcsmmechatronics
1FANUC Robot Operator - Arc WeldingFANUC Robotics CourseFANUC: ArcTool Operation and Programming1 weldcert
1FANUC Robot Operator - Arc WeldingFANUC Robotics CourseFANUC: WeldPRO1weldcert
1FANUC Robot Operator - Arc WeldingMiller Welding CourseMiller OpenBook: Robotic Arc Welding Fundamentals1weldcert
1FANUC Robot Operator - Arc WeldingMiller Welding CourseMiller OpenBook: Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG)1weldcert
1CNC OperatorCNC Concepts CourseFANUC CNC Concepts: Machining, Programming, Setup, and Operation1robodrillmtecsimmtec csm
1CNC OperatorCNC Concepts CourseFANUC CNC Concepts: Turning, Programming, Setup, and Operation1robodrillmtecsimmtec csm
1CNC OperatorIndustry Recognized Certification NIMS Certification: CNC Mill Programming Setup and Operation2robodrill mteccsm
1PLC/Controls OperatorAPT Integration CourseSchematicReading FundamentalsiccamcertcsmmechatronicsiLS
1PLC/Controls OperatorAPT Integration CoursePanel Building LabicciLS
1PLC/Controls OperatorRockwell Automation CourseRockwell CCP 183: Ethernet / IP Configuration and Troubleshooting1iccamcertcsmmechatronics
1PLC/Controls OperatorRockwell Automation CourseRockwell CCP 146: Logix 5000 System Fundamentals1iccamcertcsmmechatronics
1PLC/Controls OperatorAPT Integration CourseIntroduction to Integration - Labs and ExercisesiccamcertcsmmechatronicsiLS
2FANUC Robot TechnicianFANUC Robotics CourseFANUC: iRVision 2D1certcart**mtecsim**mtec**weldcert**amcertcsmmechatronics
2FANUC Robot TechnicianIndustry Recognized Certification FANUC Certification administered by NOCTI: FCR-T12certcartmtecsimmtecweldcertamcertcsmmechatronics
2CNC Machine TechnicianCNC Concepts CourseFANUC CNC Concepts: FANUC Simulator Exercises1mtecsimcsm
2CNC Machine TechnicianIndustry Recognized Certification NIMS Certification: CNC Mill Operations2 mteccsm
2Robotic Welding TechnicianMiller Welding CourseMiller OpenBook: Appplied Knowledge - Robotic Welding Labs1weldcert
2Robotic Welding TechnicianIndustry Recognized Certification American Welding Society: CRAW Certification2weldcert
2Maintenance TechnicianCNC Concepts CourseTRRBD40-501 - Understanding the FANUC ROBODRILL1robodrillmteccsm
2Maintenance TechnicianCNC Concepts CourseTRCNC40-501 – FANUC ROBODRILL Usage & Maintenance1robodrillmteccsm
2Maintenance TechnicianRockwell Automation CourseRockwell CCP153: Maintenance and Troubleshooting1iccamcertcsmmechatronicsiLS
2Maintenance TechnicianAPT Integration CourseIntermediate Concepts: Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Industrial EquipmentcertcartmtecsimmtecweldcerticcamcertcsmmechatronicsiLS
2PLC/Controls TechnicianAPT Integration CourseIntroduction to Industrial Automation and IntegrationmtecsimmteciccamcertcsmmechatronicsiLS
2PLC/Controls TechnicianRockwell Automation CourseRockwell CCP 151: Basic Ladder Logic Programming1iccamcertcsmmechatronicsiLS
2PLC/Controls TechnicianRockwell Automation CourseRockwell CCP 143: Ladder Logic Project Development1iccamcertcsmmechatronicsiLS
2PLC/Controls TechnicianRockwell Automation CourseRockwell CCV 204-A: FactoryTalk View ME & PanelView Plus Programming1iccamcertcsmmechatronicsiLS
2PLC/Controls TechnicianRockwell Automation CourseRockwell INA 201: Industrial Network Architecture Foundation1iccamcertcsmmechatronicsiLS
2PLC/Controls TechnicianRockwell Automation CourseRockwell INA 202: Industrial Network Architecture Intermediate1iccamcertcsmmechatronicsiLS
2PLC/Controls TechnicianRockwell Automation CourseRockwell CCP 251: Advanced Logix 5000 Programmer1iccamcertcsmmechatronicsiLS
2PLC/Controls TechnicianRockwell Automation CourseRockwell CCP 154: Studio Logix Designer Level 4 ST & SFC1iccamcertcsmmechatronicsiLS
2PLC/Controls TechnicianRockwell Automation CourseRockwell SAF LOG 104: Guard Logix (and Banner) Application Development1icc*amcertcsmmechatronicsiLS
2PLC/Controls TechnicianAPT Integration CourseBasic Integration Labs: PLC, HMI, Robot, Ancillary Componentsmtecsimmtecweldcerticc*amcertcsmmechatronicsiLS
2PLC/Controls TechnicianAPT Integration CourseIntroduction to Safety Systemsicc*amcertcsmmechatronicsiLS
2PLC/Controls TechnicianRockwell Automation CourseRockwell CCA 185: PowerFlex 525 Drive Startup and Configuration1icc*csmiLS
3Robot IntegrationAPT Integration CourseRobot to CNC: Integration Fundamentals and Labsrobodrillmtecsimmteccsm
3Industrial Controls IntegratorRockwell Automation CourseRockwell INA 203: Industrial Network Architecture Advanced Part 11icc*csmiLS
3Industrial Controls IntegratorRockwell Automation CourseRockwell INA 204: Industrial Network Architecture Advanced Part 21icc*csmiLS
3Industrial Controls IntegratorRockwell Automation CourseRockwell CCN 130: Motion Control Fund1icc*csmiLS
3Industrial Controls IntegratorRockwell Automation CourseRockwell CCN 144: Studio 5000 Logix Designer Level 4: Kinetix 5500/6500 (CIP) Programming1icc*csmiLS
3Industrial Controls IntegratorAPT Integration CourseSafety Systems, Standards Design, and ApplicationmtecsimmtecweldcertamcertcsmmechatronicsiLS
3Applied Engineering of Robotics, Automation, and Industrial SystemsAPT Integration CourseIntegration: Part Traceabilityicc*csmiLS
3Applied Engineering of Robotics, Automation, and Industrial SystemsAPT Integration CourseIntegration: I/O Link Technologyicc*csmiLS
3Applied Engineering of Robotics, Automation, and Industrial SystemsAPT Integration CourseIntegration: RFID Technologyicc*csmiLS
3Applied Engineering of Robotics, Automation, and Industrial SystemsAPT Integration CourseIntegration: Advanced Integration of Industrial EquipmenticccsmiLS
3Applied Engineering of Robotics, Automation, and Industrial SystemsAPT Integration CourseIntegration: Advanced Part Tracking and MessagingicccsmiLS
3Applied Engineering of Robotics, Automation, and Industrial SystemsAPT Integration CourseIntegration: Industrial 4.0 and IIoTicccsmiLS
3Applied Engineering of Robotics, Automation, and Industrial SystemsIndustry Recognized CertificationFANUC-Rockwell Level 3 Systems Integrator Certification2csmiLS

Level 1

This coursework will train entry level operators and provide a basic understanding of industrial equipment.

This is perfect for a high school, vocational school, or school starting up industrial training.

Level 2

This coursework will train technician level employees with troubleshooting fundamentals.

This could be used in an advanced vocational school, but is best suited for a community college or school programs that is trying to grow from the operator level training and begin teaching troubleshooting and integration.

Level 3

This coursework will train system integration in areas for robotics, PLC, process engineering, controls architecture, and machine design.

This is perfect for an advanced technical school training students to apply theoretical knowledge of industrial systems, or a university that is looking to teach engineering and integration of industrial components and equipment.

– Training Certificate upon successful completion of e-learning.

– Recognized industry certification issued by an independent credentialing authority.

*iCC must be integrated with CERT cart, MTEC, or MTEC-SIM to teach robotics courses.

**Must purchase vision options in order to teach FANUC iR Vision

We believe in education….

APT Manufacturing Solutions is an automated equipment builder and precision machine shop equipped with over 30 manual and CNC machines, laser cutting and fabrication equipment, mechanical engineering with 3D solid modeling, and controls engineering with PLC and robot programming. At APT, education and training is weaved into the core of our every move. We recognized years ago that educating the next generation is vital to our success, and the success of manufacturing in America, we have made it one of our primary strategic objectives.

High School Training: Years ago, we founded a state-of-the art high school training center where we opened our doors to high school students from surrounding schools to learn the nuts and bolts of manufacturing. We lead them through coursework and hands-on learning designed to open their eyes to the opportunities they have in industry after school. Courses include:

“Our passion is to equip and teach the next generation of workforce to advance manufacturing, technology, innovation, and leadership.”

  • OSHA safety 10 hour
  • Tools of the trade
  • Drafting and 3D Modeling
  • Machining
  • Welding and Fabrication
  • Industrial Wiring and Panel Building
  • Basic PLC logic and Control Systems
  • Robot handling and programming.

Apprenticeship Program: Students who graduate from these programs must enroll in apprenticeship program to continue employment, where they go through a two- or four-year program, fully paid, working during the day and continuing school at a community college at night. This has proven to be a phenomenal approach to education, developed over time based on need for workforce development. The key to this is the partnership that has come between industry and education. We believe this partnership is vital to changing industry and solving the workforce development problem as America moves forward.

“We don’t build education trainers…we build industrial equipment with industrial curriculum for the education market.”

It was through this partnership with education, as well as our relationship with FANUC Education, that we realized the gap in the market for trainers and curriculum. Colleges are using equipment to teach industrial systems that doesn’t match what a student will see upon graduation. Students aren’t able to get exposed to real-world industrial equipment in school, because it doesn’t exist. What does exist is watered-down trainers with and curriculum. America needs industry level curriculum, taught on industry level equipment, so that students are prepared for the workforce when they leave the classroom.


Our trainers were developed in partnership with FANUC America education, and are sold exclusively through the FANUC Education Reseller Network. They carry the industry training curriculum of key manufacturers like FANUC America, Rockwell Automation, and Miller Welding. These partnerships are critical to maintaining high-caliber trainers that model industry standards.

Advantages of Our Industrial Training EquipmentOur TrainersOther Trainers
Trainers built for manufacturing trainingbluecheckbluecheckblue
Equipment built with exact same standards as industrial equipmentbluecheckblue
Curriculum with labs to apply knowledgegreencheckgreencheckgreen
Curriculum comes directly from manufacturer; not rewrittengreencheckgreen
Labs are derived from industry practices, like live panel building utilizing industry standard wiring practicesgreencheckgreen
Certificates upon completion of classwork or modulesredcheckredcheckred
Certifications directly from industry leaders like FANUC, Rockwell, and Miller Welding that carry over to the first day on the jobredcheckred
Rockwell MicroLogix basic PLCorangecheckorangecheckorange
Rockwell CompactLogix advanced PLC integration with Studio 5000orangecheckorange
Advanced courses in FANUC TPP, iRVision, Advanced TPP, DCS orangecheckorange
Advanced courses in integration of area scan, RFID, wireless I/Oorangecheckorange

Colleges Training with our Equipment

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  • FANUC Authorized System Integrator Logo
  • ISO Logo
  • Made in the USA
  • Rockwell Automation Silver OEM Partner
  • Copyright © 2025 APT Manufacturing Solutions